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Where are my songs stored?

Chord Chart Studio use the browser's memory (local storage) to store the songs. This has a huge advantage: since I don't need to pay for a server to store the user content, you can enjoy Chord Chart Studio for free. Of course, there are some drawbacks as well: if you switch computers, devices, or browsers, you will start with a blank library every time.

Can I backup the songs library?

Not easily for now, but you can export each individual song. Tech-savvy users can also directly access the local storage content and back it up, for example, in Chrome.

Can I see the sample content again?

When you start Chord Chart Studio for the first time, it comes with two samples of "songs." If you deleted them and would like to see them again, you can either:

  • delete all the songs in the library and refresh the browser
  • open Chord Chart Studio in an incognito session or in another browser

The layout is broken when printing

If the browser's printing preview looks different than Chord Chart Studio's preview, make sure:

  • to set the document size as A4
  • to disable the printer's margins, since they are directly handled by Chord Chart Studio